Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Haying the Hillside

Ok, here are some pictures from two weeks ago when we (well I did A LOT of the work) planted the hillside with ground cover to help hold the bank and for decorative purposes. It is suppose to look like this when it comes in....... (at the top)
I raked it (to get the weeds out and smooth it up a bit) and then, Lynn limed it, I seeded it and we both spread the hay. After we got about ¾ done and HUGE gust of wind decended on the hillside and whipped most of the hay up to the top..... so we worked a little faster after that.

Lynn went out the next day, expecting to find hay spread about the property, and to his surprise (and mine) it was right where we had left it :) The last picture gives you a little more perspective on how long and tall the hillside really is.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Catch Up Report

Subject: 58.60 Acres
Where: Lebanon, OR (with a Sweet Home phone #, because that's how we do things out dar)

Here's my attempt to keep all interested parties up-to-date with our "home building project". As most of you know, we closed on the construction loan and continued breaking ground so that the foundation could be poured......I say could because Lynn and I thought this would have happened 2 weeks ago, but as always, there are MANY delays in the building schedule. I am excited for things to get going and start seeing some framing go up so I can rest a little easier that things will fit into the 6 month timeframe.

After all the research that has gone (and continues to go) into this project, it is hard to not see things moving along at a faster pace. But in 3 months I am sure I will wish I had more time as deadlines for the interior press near.