Saturday, October 22, 2005
Things are moving right along...including me!
Well, things are starting to get done! We are still having a major challenge directing water AWAY from the home site, so Lynn and I rented a Skid Steer with a bucket & trenching attachment so that we could dig some ditches and move dirt around. I went to Jefferson Friday morning to pick them up and trailered them all by myself! Yes I am a big girl now.
When I got out to the site, the trenching DID NOT go as smoothly as we had hoped. It was kinda like digging a hole in sand and with a fork - please take a moment and picture this.................................................................................................................
Now that you have visualized the extremely frustrating situation we were in, I feel as though we've all shared in the pain. We worked all morning to get water to drain off the site and to try and make sure while we were trenching, we kept the depth at the proper level of fall. I left later that afternoon to go to Corvallis for dance, while Lynn ended up spending all the daylight hours (plus some) to finish up. It was a nice day to work and since we got 80% of the property mowed it looks so much better.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Stem Wall done & Framing has started....
Ohhhh I am very excited about today's postings as I went out early this morning to check and take pictures of the progress and the framers were starting on the floor! Oh my, it looks very different with the stem walls a lot bigger than when the rock was just down.
I spoke with the builder on Tuesday and he said that things will be framed by Nov 15th and then the sheet rock is scheduled to take place Dec 3-12th. At this point we are on track to finish and move in the end of February/the 1st of March. I have, just this week, become EXTREMELY excited about this whole thing and as those of you that know me......YES it is TRUE I am even more hyper than usual. I know this is hard for some of you to imagine, but take a moment and let it sink in. I would ask you to visualize my hyper excitement, but that may be too much for one day, so please take it easy.
The hillside that we planted has started to sprout up in quite a few places (see picture); it looks like I will be harvesting carrots all winter, but really it is yarrow that is coming up.
I have also taken a panoramic picture of the property and will try to attach it properly.